If you ask 20 different people about the care, breeding and
showing of the chihuahua breed, you will probably get 20 different answers.
Learn all you can. It is only through the experiences of others that you
can truly understand the wonderful world of chihuahuas!
The links below will give you some of our opinions and conclusions about
a few issues we've experienced over the years.
Yes, there are a few pages that we are still working on,
but they should all be up by the end of the week!
Which Is Best
For You, Puppy Or Adult?
Two Separate Varieties,
LC and SC
What's Underneath That Bundle
Of Fur?
Copyright Infringement
A Bit Of Chihuahua
So You Want To Breed?
To Tape Or Not To Tape
Getting Around The Dog
Show Training Begins At
Housebreaking Your
Is Teacup The Correct
Chihuahua Growth
Chart |